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Growing Kids from the Inside Out Slogan
Growing Kids from the Inside Out Slogan

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 A - 5:00 P

Office Changes

An Important Message from
Dr. Christina Lane

By September 3, 2024, Growing Kids Pediatrics will transition from a traditional insurance model to Growing Kids Concierge, a hybrid concierge model.

Due to the changing economics of medicine, particularly in pediatrics, it's no longer feasible to provide the level of care you deserve under the traditional model. I have fought this change for the last two years, but I have come to realize that it is no longer sustainable.

Pay Your Bill Online

Quickly make your payment with our secure payment feature.

Medical Records

You will need to fill out a records release from GKP or at your new pediatric office. GKP has 30 days from the date we receive your records release to transfer your child’s records.

Board Certified Pediatrician

Dr. Christina Lane & the Staff of Growing Kids Pediatrics

We are devoted to walk alongside you in your journey of parenthood and help your child grow and thrive in all areas of life.

At Growing Kids Pediatrics, we strive to serve the smallest members of our community and their families in a cheerful atmosphere. Our love of children drives what we do and how we do it. We aim to establish a personal relationship with our patients and families and provide medical care with compassion and understanding. We would be honored to become part of your family.

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